Hire right the first time
We’re leaders in the legal recruitment market, being the only firm with exclusive focus on lawyers in Mexico and Chile, plus most of Latin America.
Lawyers Recruiting Lawyers
Trained in Corporate Law, Litigation and Labour, our consultants have an unmatched track record in the Latin American legal headhunting industry.
Confidentiality and Guarantee
Strict confidentiality policies protect our clients and candidates. If you need to hire again the same role during the guarantee period, we’ll do it for free.
Looking to hire a lawyer in Latin America? We can help you find the perfect lawyer for your team. Idealis is the first firm in the region specializing in the recruitment and placement of lawyers. Founded in 2008, we have been our client’s ambassadors for more than 16 years. Our consultants are lawyers with credentials both in the legal world and in Human Resources.
We are lawyers too. You can trust us to help you find your dream job. We match lawyers with great teams in law firms and companies. The information you provide us will never be shared without your prior consent and full knowledge.
Our core team is made up of experienced lawyers who later in their professional career have discovered a passion for the art of matchmaking.Idealis Team
Our greatest passion is to help you find a job that will make you happy.Idealis Team
Boutique Service
Word of mouth is our best client-referral. Our boutique service goes beyond rendering a short-list of perfect-match candidates. We provide solutions to problems sometimes unforeseen by our clients, be it an organization chart, a pay scale report, a mapping of the market, or a timely and expert advise.
Registered Lawyers
Personally Interviewed
Hours of Conversation